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 外贸函电 [wài mào hán diàn添加此单词到默认生词本
Foreign Trade Correspondence

  1. 外贸函电范例---一般商业书信1.通知本厂已迁移到上述地址,特此通知。
    I inform you that I have now removed my factory to the above address.
  2. 所谓外贸函电就是指在对外贸易中所使用的信件、电报、电传、传真和电子邮件。
    English business correspondence refers to letters,telegrams,telexes,faxes and E-mails. It includes foreign trade (and domestic trade) of course.
  3. 我的专业是商务英语,我已学习这个专业三年了,其中有许多课程是与外贸有关的,如国际结算,外贸实务,外贸函电等等。
    I have been for over three years studying business English as my major,I have learned many courses about International Trading as follow:International Settlement,International Trading Term,English Business Correspondence and so on.

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